This month we started our new unit on Transportation. The children are enjoying matching the vehicles to the cards and sorting the different vehicles by which ones travel on land, in water or in the air.
We’ve also been working on our pouring skills, whole hand transfer and our pincer grasp in Practical Life.
In Language the children are learning the new sounds (L for Luca, H for Helicopter, and B for Baby) and we have also started matching objects to the letters. We are learning some new songs that tie into our vehicle unit and learning what the traffic lights mean.
We celebrated Valentines Day by passing out our Valentines Day cards to our friends and decorating our bags, it was also William’s birthday and we sang him Happy Birthday during our circle time. We also visited with the Bumble Bees and got a lesson on Chinese New Year.
The children are also enjoying yoga with Rasika. She is working with them on meditating at the end to calm themselves down and also some transportation poses such as airplane, boat, and bicycle.

Working on putting the sticks in the hole

Working on the knobless cylinders

Pouring beans

Whole hand transfer
Matching the object to the pictures

Giving hugs to comfort our friends

Being silly riding the toy garbage truck

Catching a fish

Practicing our yoga meditating

Practicing our yoga moves: Downward Dog

Working on our table pose during KinderDance
Playing with Kinetic Sand

Making silly faces in the mirror

Spooning beans

Celebrating William’s Birthday